The Message to DC - UAE Forum

DC - UAE Forum 2016-the Head of DC's message-in-DubaiHis Highness Sultan ibn Sahmed al Menouri, the head of UAE's Department, said: "The 8th annual DC - UAE FORUM attracts the attention of high-rank specialists in various sectors of financial and investment fields. Starting with a low-level stage, illuminating the investment opportunities, DC - UAE FORUM has become a mandatory annual momentous event event for the conclusion of big contracts and long-term partnerships between those who make decisions and those who invest in different spheres. Most of these members are the main beneficiaries of DFI, which have developed a viable methods o current financial environment's investments."

He added: "At that time, in the late 70s, 87% of the GNP has been growing due the oil deposits, today the situation has changed. Oil costs less than a quarter of GDP. Meanwhile, non-oil sector's contribution was 79% of GDP in the late 2015. The move to diversify the economy, mainly supported by the necessary investments. With the help of the DC - UAE FORUM, we strive to the promote more of working financial investment solutions that are not limited to the introduction of capital, which lead to the transfer of knowledge, experience, technology, technological methods, which are so important for the formation of economy of knowledge."

"The Dubai government has created an ideal environment for business in the emirate, which is supported by the appropriate legal structure, based on the best international practices," - said the public prosecutor, - "they continue and continue to maintain this policy, thus the major regional and international business and investors continue to trust them, including those, who are planning to participate in DC - UAE Forum 2016. In this context, as I said repeatedly, all those who try to discredit the credibility of the Emirates, will be severely punished. "

According to the Head of the Authority's control over Dubai's real estate operations (Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Agency - RERA) Bwarhan bin Kathleta, investigation of financial mismanagement in Nakhal and Tamweel companies, and publication of the results are the proof of transparency and improvements in Dubai's real estate sector, so such a "cleansing"  will affect the best possible way for the real estate market.